Cait Davis
Habitable Spaces is happy to introduce our latest artist in residence, Cait Davis! Cait will be with us until July, and the stop-motion animation video she creates during her residency will be the cornerstone of our third annual Summer Solstice Film Festival on June 24, 2017.
Drawing inspiration from mythology, fairy tales, psychology and science, Cait examines existence through humor and ominous landscapes. A multidisciplinary artist, she utilizes a range of mediums including stop-motion animation, sculpture and film production to mine for appreciation in the bizarre and challenge notions of “other,” appreciative of that which lies beneath the surface and embracing the notion that nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Cait owns a stop-motion animation studio called Springtime Jellyfish in New York City that makes animated films and commercial projects.
Cait Davis's Bull Puppet
One of the “stars” of Cait Davis’s stop-motion animation film to premiere at the Habitable Spaces Summer Solstice Film Festival on June 24, 2017. This bull puppet was constructed with genuine sheep’s wool, collected on shearing day at a nearby farm in the Kingsbury community.
For her project at Habitable Spaces, Cait is interviewing three local residents about the history and lore of Kingsbury, TX. Using audio from the interviews, she is making a stop-motion animation where the construction of each puppet “actor” is influenced by the content of the interview stories. The completed project will be a short film examining Kingsbury, TX. In addition to the film, she is creating three ceramic sculptures based on the interviews to be installed at Habitable Spaces.
Cait Davis interviews Johnny Harborth
Check out Cait’s work at www.caitdavis.com, and be sure to join us for the Summer Solstice Film Festival here at Habitable Spaces on June 24 to see Cait’s finished product, along with the work of other video artists.